Working together in helping you fulfill your desire of becoming parents.
IVF-Augsburg supports couples who face challenges in conceiving and having a child through traditional/natural means/methods. Our fertility centre is the gateway in your journey to fulfilling your dream of parenthood. Our team of doctors, with a combined 30 years of experience, is at the cutting edge of reproductive research. Our state of the art reproductive facility houses the latest in diagnostic and incubation technology, and meets the highest certification standards.
During your initial consultation, we will conduct a comprehensive review and analysis or your personal reproductive history and circumstances. Our team's extensive diagnostic experience allows us to identify your unique challenges and to determine which therapeutic options are likely to lead to see succussful results. Together we will formulate a plan with the highest probability of success.
We welcome the opportunity to meet with you and take this journey with you.
Contact us now to start the process.

The doctors of the IVF Augsburg are (from left to right): Dr. Med. Herald Kraus, Dr. Med. Klaus Friedrich Hiller, Dr. Med. Daniela Mischitz, Dr. Med. Robert Ochsenkühn